what can you expect?
1. Every month we host a one-hour live COOL Connections session. Here we share some of our latest thinking/finds, interview experts in related fields, and provide an space for to meet, interact with and learn from a diverse collection of other humans with similar challenges and interests.
2. We prioritise "Purposeful Pause" and so we try not to pack this hour too tightly. Gift yourself with 60 minutes every month, to replenish, learn and think.
3. Every now and again we will also share resources related to the topics we discussed, e.g. practice sheets, tools and presentations.
Sign up today and join our COOL community. Our COOL Connections live sessions typically happen around the second Wednesday of every month. Times alternating between 08:30 SAST (UTC -2) and 16:30 SAST (UTC -2). There is no cost for individuals. Contact us if you'd like a quote to sign up your team or company.